4Excelsior, a contact manufacturer of dietary supplements and sports nutrition products attains the international sports nutrition manufacturing certification Informed Choice, to provide additional quality assurance to supplement brands looking to manufacturing sports nutritional products.
The Informed Choice certification requires that a facility does not carry and or produce products containing ingredients that would be prohibited in sports by the World Anti-doping Agency (WADA), MLB, NFL, NCAA and the PGA. As part of the certification, the facility is audited every six months by Informed Choice, this includes the swabbing and testing of facility machinery for trace residue of substances prohibited in sport.
Athletes such as Asafa Powell, Tyson Gay, and others have blamed supplements for failed doping tests. Informed Choice’s research has shown one of the main sources of contamination of supplements, with prohibited substances in sport, is due to manufacturing facility equipment being contaminated. This is due to inadequate cleaning procedures or the previous use of prohibited substances within a facility.
“We are extremely proud of our achievement. Attaining the Informed Choice sport facility certification provides our clients with complete confidence in the quality and integrity of our manufacturing facility,” said 4Excelsior President Lin Malcolm. “We understand the needs of supplement brands looking to supply professional athletes with a product, and we want to make sure that brands have full confidence in our manufacturing quality.”
Informed-Choice’s Business Development Manager Paul Klinger commented, “The Informed Choice sports facility certification helps provide brands with confidence in the quality of their contract manufacturer. We commend 4Excelsior on the completion of the Informed Choice sports facility certification, as this provides supplement brands with an additional level of quality assurance needed when supplying products to professional athletes.”
As supplements continue to be an issue in the sporting world, the Informed Choice certification provides a step forward for the industry, by setting additional quality assurance standards within the supplement supply chain. 4Excelsior’s completion of the certification provides supplement brands with the assurance they need to be confident in 4Excelsior’s quality and manufacturing integrity.
About 4Excelsior:
4Excelsior provides high-quality contract manufacturing solutions for the dietary supplement and sports nutrition industry. The 78,000 square foot NSF GMP certified facility consists of 16 humidity and temperature controlled ISO 8 cleanrooms, a complete in-house laboratory, and fully automated machinery.
For more information please visit www.4Excelsior.com